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HISTORY OF NUMEROLOGY.......Pythagorus, one of the philosophers of ancient Europe, is generally
accepted as the founder of the Science of Numbers. He was born about the year 590 B.C. and was named by the Oracle of
Delphi who, it is said, prophesied his birth. When a young child he was placed in one of the Temples and grew up in
a very spiritual environment. He learned the lesson of meditation and developed a great love of the stars. He
is credited with having the idea that the world is a sphere or round ball. Very little of his life is recorded, but
it is reported that he won prizes for feats of agility at the Olympic games, that he was tall, beautiful, magnetic, dynamic,
and everyone loved him. It is written he was given a new name after many initiations and was called Yarancharya, using
the letter Y, a symbol he considered very mystical. He esablished a school at Crotona, which was the center of culture
of that day and where for nearly forty years he taught his pupils and exhibited his wonderful powers. His teachings,
for the most part, were given in secret, and no student was allowed to put into writing any idea or subject given in the school.
As far as it is known, no one broke this rule until after his death, and for this reason his teachings were almost lost to
the modern world. There were two phases to his teachings; The Science of Numbers, and the Theory of Magnitude.
The first division included two branches, arithmetic and musical harmony; the second, geometry and magnitude in motion or
astronomy. Pythagorus taught his students an exact mathematical precision. "The principles governing the numbers
were understood to be the principles of real existence; the elements of numbers were the elements of realities."
His instructions were given according to the law of mathematics and this relationship of numbers to experience is the Divine
Law, the foundation of the modern system of analysis called Numerology.
MODERN NUMEROLOGY.........Numerology as it is presented today, is based on the precepts presented
by Pythagorus.......that nature geometrizes, the divine law is defined and accurate, and that it can be computed and figured
with mathematical precision as definitely as any statement in arithmetic or physics. In the early times the Hebrew alphabet
contained twenty-two letters or symbols. Our present day alphabet contains twenty-six letters, it will eventually contain
twenty-seven letters, as mankind moves forward into a better understanding of the Brotherhood of Man. Mrs. L. Dow Balliett
of Atlantic city is the authority for the modern method of relating names, numbers and vibrations. She gave
the world a spiritual and practical system of applying numerical symbols to the analysis of character, and wrote several books,
which are to be found in the public libraries of many large cities. For many years, Numerology was not a well known
subject. Through its presentation by Dr. Julia Seton, international New Thought lecturer, much was done to bring it
to the public and into popular use. She presented it to the people of many countries. The United States,
South Africa, Australia, and the Hawaiian Islands, educating the public to the truths hidden in the scrolls, symbols, and
numbers as interpreted by Numerology. She is credited with giving the Science of Names and Numbers the modern name Numerology.
This photo compliments of Maluna, a dear member of my group |
What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
And when we bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen........Henry david Thoreau
If we do not know what port we're steering for, no wind is favorable.....Seneca
Around the corner there may wait a new road or a secret gate........J.R.R. Tolkien
"The students of the ancient Atlantis were taught the mysteries of numbers, handicrafts, poetry and sculpture."
"The Science of Numbers and the art of will power are the Keys of Magic that open the Gates of the Universe," said the Priests
of Memphis. Pythagorus formulated and made exact his teaching under the name Science of Numbers. The Romans said
"Nomen est Omen" the name is the destiny. Names and numbers are symbols. They do not of themselves make things
happen. Instead, they announce and broadcast the programs of thought, feeling and action being enacted on the television
screen of human relations. When found symbolizing a condition, circumstance or activity, they state without equivocation
the nature of the happening, its character, its past, present and future. They are there as signposts to guide, protect
and reward all who have the wisdom and foresight to observe and understand.
THE ALPHABET-----ITS ORIGIN AND GROWTH...........Records of many ancient alphabets have been
found, dating as far back as 2400 B.C. The Egyptians are credited with the origin of the alphabet but were slow in the use
of it, as it had little practical value. The Phoenicians, busy traders, made use of it and added many signs and symbols
to advance its usefulness. Through their trading and travel, they introduced it to the Greeks, who put it into a more
artistic form, adding curves to the straight lines. Later, the Romans introduced the capitals. As the alphabet
traveled from country to country, nation to nation, and down through the dark ages, many changes were made and new symbols
were added, until at present there are twenty-six letters in the alphabet which symbolize our modern day thoughts and ideas.
Our modern alphabet is an entirely accurate and exact mathematical arrangement and association of numbers, a fact which is surprising
to those who have given it little thought. The numbers are commonly designated as being of Arabic origin, but were of
little value until the introduction of the cipher, which made a place value called "decimal". Some historians give ancient
Syria credit as being the ancestor of the alphabet, and excavations in the region of Mount Sinai show that the children
of Israel used a system of alphabet writing.
Paid in Full.......I wonder if the love you gave to me was worth the price we paid to have and hold;
Now that the years have set our senses free, the scroll of hidden music can unfold. you were a burst of magic in my
strife, and I? Well, it is strange that I should go across the flaming portals of your life into the afterglow.
Yet, after all, why burden our today? The years brought us our rapture, come what may._____Julia Seton