The Science of numbers deals with the living force of the divine faculties in action in man and in the Universe.
NUMBER 1....Number one is the number of action. It has the knowledge of what is to be, followed by the courage,
daring, will and intelligence to move where all is dark and void. It fears no obstacles, exploring, inventing and creating
with dynamic force and energy, and sets the pattern and outline for others to follow. It becomes the leader and head
of broad undertakings. In human affairs, without the number one, there would be no beginnings*****Number 2....The spiritual
inheritance of the number two endows it with powers not equally shared by the other numbers. It is the "Light-Bearer"
from on High. It shall not grope in darkness. It has the "Light" within itself. The love of peace is its
strength; its gentleness, its sensitiveness, its insight into right and wrong, the gift of persuasion, its talent for unity,
are its never-failing reward. It is endowed with the faculty of true awarenss of God and man*****Number 3....The number
three, the child of God, forever young, ever renewing, touched with the fire of enthusiasm, is gifted with the magic power
of the word, turning the impossible into the possible, bringing into being that which has never been before*****Number 4....The
number four holds the key to all arrangement and interpretation of form, plans, dreams, ideas, and patterns from the material,
mechanical, and mathematical to the artistic, esthetic, religious and spiritual levels of thought and feeling. It provides
the foundation upon which all things stand to sustain life and entity*****Number 5....The number five is life's field of action.
It represents experience. It is at all times the administrator*****Number 6....The "humanitarian"establishes the place
of the number six in all human and spiritual affairs. Its crowing glory is the good it has done for others. Intelligent,
capable, and practical, yet it is a dreamer of dreams, living on a high plane from which it senses and expresses the grandeur
and beauty of life and living*****Number 7....The number seven had been born to have the rewards of the number six, but commanded
to discover the inner knowledge and the Laws of Divine Creation. It had already gained the abundance of its past labors.
Now calm, serene in meditation and contemplation, it looks upon established facts and beholds in visions and dreams the realities
of unseen power, thus becoming the possessor of the wisdom of the ages*****Number 8....Armed with divine awareness, learned
through many past lifetimes, the number eight plunges into the depths of experience: touched by the knowledge of the great
mysteries of Being and the secrets of the occult art and science, it presents to the people of the earth the reality of the
divine dream of creation*****Number 9....The number nine represents the Beginning and the End of all human experience****Number
11....The number 11 has the will and determination of the two 1's supporting the digit 2*****Number 22....The number
22 is considered the "spiritual master" in form..... The number 16 is a karmic number, when it appears as an experience,
sudden happenings can take place. The number 19 is also a karmic number, it is less severe, it forces the individual
to stand on his own feet and to take a stand for self-developement and self-realization.