I dream of the day when there will be heaven on earth
When a brave new world will have given birth
When all our days will be sunny and bright
When wars and hunger we will no longer need
and the words of our Father we will once again heed
To live together in brotherly love
And thank our Father from up above
When I was young and full of joy
the days were sunny and full of light
I sang and laughed and looked ahead
to be older and wiser and very well read
Now that I'm older and my hair is white
I long for the day when it was sunny and bright
to be young and carefree and full of joy
to sing and laugh and not look ahead
to just be content with where I'm led
There was a young miss
whose name was Elise
she came from above to
teach us peace.
She was an angel
filled with love
and spunky at times
oh how I love her
this grandchild of mine
who captured my heart
right from the start
Today is the first day of the rest of my life
A day to be happy without the strife
A day to forget the past and live in the now
A day to laugh and dance and remember how
to be a child again happy and bright
to run and play and live in the light
Sunday is a special day
a day to love and a day to pray
for those whom we love who
are faraway
may they feel God's love from up above
and take the time to thank him with love
Today is Saturday
a day to relax
and lie in the sun
a day to drink lemonade
when all the works done
a day to eat strawberries
dipped in cream
to close your eyes
and just dream
oh what a day to enjoy the breeze
as it gently sways the top of the trees
The path back home is long and winding
there are many twists and turns
and detours to come, lessons to learn
easy for others, hard for some
the sun is not always shining
some days there are clouds
and rainy days, but just remember
the sun always shines and makes us smile
and makes our lives much more worthwhile
each day is a time to renew our goal
to love each other and strengthen our soul
Some day through the veil we will see
what our true purpose and meaning must be
oh thank you Lord for this life of mine
and someday again to be with you and thine
copyright 2006 Barbara Stahly