Life on the physical plane has rarely been easy for human beings. Being so
challenging has made it a "good school" for souls. However, people have
tended to make it harder than it needed to be. The theme of the upcoming era
is to awaken consciousness so as to see how to navigate the rapids, so to
speak, with the least possible resistance. This requires both alertness and
developing a greater ability to think. Many solutions to difficult problems
are available but unseen because of a lack of creative, resourceful
thinking. This is true both individually and collectively.
Often, those with the most useful intellects for this would not receive the
highest test scores or be thought of as being the most intelligent--they may
not be the ones with the greatest command of information. However, they have
the ability to penetrate the surface and see into the heart of a matter.
They are willing to see truths that many will always circumnavigate because
they are deemed unacceptable. And they are willing to consider solutions
that have not been considered by many. This quality is emerging more and
more in human beings and will be essential if humanity is to survive these
rough waters.
--Michael Channeled by Shepherd Hoodwin July 24, 2006