This page is dedicated to my dear friend Pam in Scotland.

Dedicated to my husband Steven Who has taught me many Of life's lessons.
The ocean waves
lap ever so gently, Rolling in towards the shore, The sound creates a hypnotic peace, Conjurs up mysteries and folklore, Soothing
away the day's cares and woes.
The sky is a brilliant shade of blue, The sun blazing down on just me and you, All
anxiety carried away by the cooling breeze, Lord, forever let us stay like this, please,
Below the ocean waves,
deep on the floor, Coral reefs in many colours, are dotted all about Multi coloured fish, dart in and out, Seeking
food to eat, Some juicy morsel or two, A noon day treat, they would greet, Yes, most certainly that would do.
ocean is a home for them, And magically they do play, Dolphins on the surface, Whales and Sharks below, Angel
fish and Dog fish, Some fish they are so friendly, While others are their foe
Stronger are the waves now, The
sound has gatherd pace, The sun has cast a shadow, Over this, our favourite place
Storm clouds are gathering, The
sky has turned to grey, Fish are jumping out the water, Still eager to play.
Lying here so perfectly still, Is
what I love to do, My body it is at rest And my mind at peace too.
Yet strangely deep inside me, A longing
there is still, Where my heart's divine love lives, With certainty this I must come to know, A love so divine, so
sublime, That only my soul can know.
The peace remains at one with me, Even though, now we must go, We will
come back again for sure, Yes, that is you my love, and me, And lay ourselves down once more, Beside this most glorious
copyrighted 2006 Pam Mutch
Hi All, I haven't written anything in a while now, so I thought I would have another go again, get some practice in.
Anyway my offering such as it is.
Lots of Love Pam
Soldier Boy
I remember when you were six years
old, Many toys you used to have and hold, But your favourites were, without a doubt, Toy soldiers that you'd love
to scatter about.
You marched them up and down the stairs, Draped them over all my dining room chairs, Lined
them up with such precision, Ignoring your brother's dry derision.
Round the edge of the bath you placed them all,
And then you would give me your usual call, 'Come upstairs mum, the battle's begun', And I'd stand and watch as
you flicked them all, So that one by one they started to fall, And gleefully you shouted 'Look I've won'.
your teen years it became obvious to me, That a soldier boy you were going to be, My heart sank the day you left our
place, Full of optimism as you went on your way, So I said, 'Go my son and take God's grace'.
For many years
now you have learnt your trade, A soldier born and a soldier made, A leader of men out on parade, To going on some
nightime raid.
The war you were trained for, Is now taking place, Though many of you say, It's a dam disgrace, To
be in such a hostile place, With such a pitiless enemy to face.
Each day in the heat and the constant dust, Roadside
bombs and mortar shells, Explode all around, This my son, is hell you've found, For this war to end you all will
pray, The world has rued the very day, That Bush and Blair, Had their wicked way.
To Iraq and back again, You've
been several times, Then onto Afghanistan, To fight the Taliban, Dodging the landmines, This is your each and
every day.
The noise, the sounds, the smells of war, The flesh and blood and bone, God, get this over and done
with, And let us all get back home.
I like to think back now and then, To when you were six years old, And
you played with your toy soldiers, With great laughter, fun and joy, You were my precious soldier boy, You still
are my soldier boy now.
Look into my mind, and there you will find, precious memories, of
you and me.
Our days you will see, were filled with love, a love that was meant to be.
But you were pledged
to another, although we were meant for each other, we both felt a passion so rare, when we started our love affair.
into my mind, and there you will find, memories that are hidden away, for the love that I felt, will never melt, it's
a love that cant go away.
Because our love is so deep, it was always sure to keep, so look in my mind, and
their you will find, all the memories, are still in there.
copyrighted 2007 Pam Mutch
Oh sweetest apple tree, So beguiling you are to me, You it is who has taken
the blame, For the fall from grace of all mankind, It was not your intention to decieve, Yet you did so, with the
lady called Eve.
Way back then when the soul was young, And no wrong words tripped off her tongue, You beckoned
Eve to take a bite, And in one stroke, herself she deceived,
The Truth she had heard, it came from above, And
yet your soft flesh she came to love, Sweet it was that very first bite, But with it came the dimming of the Light.
too followed on like Eve, And he too became deceived, For the Tree of Life, they had been told, It alone was what
they had to hold
But your fruit was temptation in the fullest, And the trick you played was indeed the cruellest, For
mankind got stuck in the mire of duality, Of good and evil and a different reality.
The Tree of Life that was from
the One, Was left abandoned while mankind had fun, But for that sin the price was high, A chasm opened up in the
The Light above, The darkness below, Love and goodness We could not know.
The angels with beating
wings, Held thier breath as they did not know, Which way mankind would truly go, Reach back up towards the Light, Or
forever remain in desperate plight.
Forever enchanting sweet apple you are, But now we know, what you are, We
dallied with you but awhile, But you no longer do you beguile, We have at last seen the Light, And everything now
is set aright.
Mankind's folly is now dissolved, To go back to where we came from, We are now resolved, For
this we know is the only way, That we can live in such a glorious way.
copyrighted 2006 Pam Mutch

What are these thought's that resides in me, I truly want to know, And why is it said, that
we all will reap, Exactly what we sow.
To see how this all comes about, God's laws we have to know, For they
alone can show us all, Which way we need to go.
With pure thoughts we do create, Lives of peace, happiness and
joy, But if we stray the other way, Suffering and pain is the price we pay.
Our thoughts they come to us from
deep within, They produce for us that which we can see, In the outer world of materiality Thought's moulded into
forms, So that we may come to know, The perfection that is within you and me
Many do not see this pefection at
all, There thoughts coloured darkly, Spread fear among all, Only Light from within the holy mind, Can give sight
to these ones, Who are truly blind.
For in the Mind of the Divine Himself, Only perfection remains in Him, This
is the way God see's each one, Although the light in some, grows dim.
Such perfect thought is how He creates, Not
fear, nor hurt, nor hate, But a purity that shows mankind the way, And mighty is the power in him, Who with this
pureity creates.
This Light is in us, and it must grow, We must never let it fade, For this is His Love held
within us all, It must go forth and touch both big and small.
Showing the way for those who are blind, Restoring
to them their pure Divine sight, That they may know how to create aright, And be bathed in this exquisite love and light.
copyrighted 2006 Pam Mutch
In the depths of the Mother. Deep underground, There are many caves of treasure, Just waiting
to be found.
A glittering array of splendour, Can be seen everywhere, Shining, sparkling, crystal jewels The
Mother's secret harvest, That she's nurtured with loving care.
Her very own pride and joy, These jewels most
certainly are, Her flowers of the mineral kingdom, Bloom forth like twinkling stars.
They come in all different
colours, All subtle shades and hue's, And the Mother gives them to us, There is one just there for you.
and Sapphire, Moonstone and Peridot, Onyx and Emerald, Ruby, clear Quartz too All shining so brightly, Like
the morning dew.
An amazing array of stones, For all sorts of things, Bring forth magic for health and wealth, Peace,
love and wisdom too, They only ask, one thing of you, And that is, to return to them, The love they give to you.
calming stones, Healing stones, Stones of wisdom sure, Every one is waiting there, Especially for you.
Dedicated to my son Steven who inspired me to write this Copyrighted 2006 Pam Mutch
The light of heaven beckons me, Come close, come close right now, The gates of heaven open for me, I stand
mesmerised by what I see.
The glory has me spellbound, Transfixed am I at the sound A heavenly choir is singing, And
yet, there is no one around,
The light, the light is everywhere, So gloriously does it shine, It covers me completely, Like
a mist of a different kind.
I bow my head in gratitude, As a figure I can see, Beckons me with his right hand, Come
close, come close to me.
Many have gone before me, And many are still to come, They too will feel the majesty, The
glory of the One.
Copyrighted 2006 Pam Mutch
Soul, oh soul, why do you hide from me? So long you have slept and not heard my call. Come
forth and turn your face towards me Know now that you are mine, My sweetest love divine
So long you have been
encased in matter, You fell asleep and heard me not, You listened to the chattering mind, The mind of mere mortality, Believing
in it's reality, Which truly is not mine.
In your sleep you dreamed a dream, Where fear quietly entered these
souls, And made them scream, These souls they are still fast asleep, Knowing not that in Me, their souls I doth keep.
of war, trouble and strife, So far away from my true life, Iam, Iam, I always am, The Life within you, That is
what I am
So, know too that you are made by me, And within your heart is where I'll be, So look in there for
me And here my call, For in the inner temple, I will reveal All.
All that I have, you have too, You within
me, and I within you, This is the truth you must come to know, So dearest soul, you may grow.
And within
that temple, not made with hands, That hides me deep within your heart, Knock on that door and there you will
find, That I have been waiting for you all this time, For I never left you, this you will see, You cannot ever be
parted from me.
One Soul as the many, But one indeed, You are that Soul Divine I decreed.
Time has
gone, it is no more, Present with you, I have always been, Now your awakened and have indeed seen, That Iam that
Iam, and Love is Me, This Love little soul is your legacy
copyrighted 2006 Pam Mutch
Dedicated to Paul
The Wishing Well
here beside the wishing well, In a Scottish country garden, Breathtaking views I do drink in, The garden before me
so immaculate, A labour of love this is indeed, Blessed souls desire here to feed, This handiwork, exquisitely sublime, Has
to be the work of the Lord Divine.
And over at yonder rockery, Just by the little fish pond, Heather blooms
in bright display, Of great profusion, it's Nature's way, For she proclaims her abundance purely Whilst God his magic
wand waves surely.
In all this splendour before our sight, The honeybees they do delight, Gathering sweet nectar,
buzzing about, From flower to flower as they do scout, A sea of yellow daffodils and snowdrops, Beckoning many insects
that do fly, To land upon their open petals And drink the nectar dry.
Oh wishing well, wishing well, Will
you cast a spell for me, Please ask our most gracious Lord, To bring my son back home to me
My dearest wish that
I have at hand, Is that he and I one day shall stand, Among the many blooms and heather, Taking in this magical scene
together, Here in my Scottish country garden.
Bless all the son's and daughters Whose work takes them overseas Most
gracious Lord, keeper of souls, Send mine safely home to me